Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Trunyam best place Bali 06

The Trunyan Village,......part of Bali island best place How special this place ! Full of wonder , and mystical place.....can you imagine of this place............ Don't forget visit trunyam to get sensation into your feeling. Trunyan is an original Balinese village. Trunyan is located at the edge of the Lake Batur across Toya Bungkah village. This village can be accessed by boat in 15 minutes sailing from a small harbor at Buahan village (which is located about 4 kms from Penelokan village). Trunyan, Bali Aga and the Unburried Body A scenic morning drive direct to Penelokan where a steep winding road leads down to the shores of lake Batur. Motor boats await to take you across the lake to a village strangling on the brink between past and future. Trunyan, due to its isolated position and the secretive nature is a people, has retained its pre-Hindu animist customs and a tradition of primitive ritual and ceremony unique in Bali. The inhabitants call themselves the 'Bali Aga' or 'Original Balinese'. Here the dead are not cremated, but simply laid out in a ravine not far from the village of the mercy of nature and the elements. The strange phenomenon is that there is no odour from the dead bodies. The villagers attribute this to the scent of the perfumed 'menyan' tree from which Trunyan takes its name – Taru menyan. On the opposite shores if the lake the volcano looms high above the small village of Toya Bungkah, so named for its hot springs that flow into the cold lake waters. In recent years a narrow road has been constructed over the lava connecting this village with the outside world, and the hot springs have become a popular retreat. Trunyan village is located on the bank of lake Batur just on the foot of the mount Abang . Their unique tradition from the rest of Balinese is their tradition of not burrying their dead member. They have 3 cemetries. One is for the normal dead, second is for abnormal death such as fall from the wood during harvest of greenery for the cattles, or certain sickness which is considered very dangerous, and cemetry for the children. For the normal dead person the corp is not burried like the rest of Balinese, but just put on the narrow spot of land on the foot of hill and just exposed to the atmosphere until the whole flesh disolve from the body and left only the bones. There is really strange because the expored dead body in Trunyan normal cemetry is not radiationg bad smell. Many people say that it is just because of the water absorb the bed smell or probably the tree that is known to name Maja tree can absorb the bed smell. As a matter of fact Trunyan village has been recorded on king charter in the 10th century. A temple dedicated to the God of Bhatara Datonta is clearly mentioned 1000 years ago to be maintained and worshiped.
Do you still curious to know this place....spend your holiday to Bali and don't miss Trunyam to get ensation into your feeling.

Enjoy your visits


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